Many specialty manufacturers, special interest groups, politicians, and members of the media are perpetrating the biggest scandalous lie on the people of this earth since Galileo was muzzled by the Inquisition for stating the fact that the Earth orbited the Sun and wasn't really the center of the universe - that man's carbon dioxide emissions are causing catastrophic Global Warming and that we must annihilate mankind or at least return to the stone age to set things right. As a technically oriented individual I'm astounded that we've taken something that should be, on the whole, based in science and removed it to a completely political realm. The more that I study this issue the more angry I get - I can't believe that we're all just going along dumbly like sheep to the abattoir. We've been told that there is a "consensus" among the scientists that man-made Global Warming is a fact and we're just willing to take that at face value, just like the people in Galileo's time. Of course, those with a vested interest in perpetrating this heinous crime are just as potent and dangerous as was the Inquisition in Galileo's time, but that's still no excuse for our laziness. The worst thing about wasting our money and time on this subject is that we're limiting the intellectual and financial resources that we could be spending to solve REAL problems. Anyway, the purpose of this blog is to share digestible bits and pieces of my research as I go along. I've already spent months digesting every book, research paper, movie, and Internet site on this subject that I could find - on BOTH sides, I might add. I've also moved the following two posts over from my other blog in which I tend to write about our family travels around the world - I thought they'd be more at home here.
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