Tuesday, April 22, 2008

False Environmentalists Ruin Earth Day

Ah Earth Day... I well remember the very first one, back in 1970, when my third grade class in Round Rock (Arizona) went out and planted trees around our little four-room school. But sadly the day been totally ruined for me now by all of those fake environmentalists who are hell-bent on pillaging the national treasury and our wallets for no return on our investments. All pain and no gain, to retool an old phrase that we used to quote while pumping iron in front of posters of Arnold. Now Arnold, one of my teen-year heroes, is numbered among those false environmentalists who are using Al Gore's new faith-based religion of man-made climate change to wreck the environment while they line their pockets.

These eco-Nazis chop down old redwood trees in California so they don't shade solar panels, which (in developed countries) are nothing more than expensive eco-bling. They chop up endangered raptors in California mountain passes with their windmills, that provide nothing but expensive and unreliable electricity. They convince our congress of sheep to burn our food for fuel, creating world-wide food shortages and hunger-fueled riots. They promote bio-fuels which are grown after chopping down and burning out old rain forests, the lungs of our planet. They drive hybrid cars whose battery banks are made from nickel, which comes from a mine that has made a whole section of Canada into a moon-scape. They pull up old railroad tracks and relinquish the established rights-of-way, pushing more trucks out on the highways. They pressure congress, who then pressures the department of fish and wildlife, to designate the polar bear as endangered (even though in reality it's thriving) just because they saw an animated polar bear drown in Al Gore's Hollywood production, while they ignore the real endangered species that are going extinct in far away places in Africa and Asia. They call harmless carbon dioxide gas "carbon" (deliberately evoking images of coal dust and black lung) so that they can vilify it and tax it, thereby taking more money from you and me during this period of economic instability and driving our industries to China (whose carbon footprint is five times our own, per dollar of GDP) or Indonesia (whose carbon footprint is fifteen times our own, per dollar of GDP) or India or Brazil.

These evil imposters claiming to be saviors of the Earth deny access to affordable electricity to the masses in developing nations, thereby propagating poverty, illiteracy, insecurity, deforestation, and all manner of respiratory diseases. These false gods who claim that they can control the natural cycles of the planet by turning off our electricity, and therewith our economy, have yet to acknowledge the truth revealed by simple arithmetic (using their own inflated figures) that completely shutting down all of the coal-fired electricity in America would at most reduce the global temperature by 0.07 degrees F - now that's truly all pain for no gain.

Sigh. So, while 80% of America continues to willingly (or blissfully ignorantly) sacrifice their children's future to these men who claim to be gods, but who in reality are nothing more than modern-day robber barons, I guess I'll continue to honor the original spirit of Earth Day by planting a tree, throwing my trash into bins, recycling my old newspapers and aluminum cans, turning off the lights when I leave the house, conserving water by reducing the lawn around my home, keeping our electrical system as efficient as possible, and lobbying congress to increase development funds for developing nations.

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