I hear all the time from friends and acquaintances who think it's windy enough here in the Southwest/Four Corners states that we should all be powered by windmills. Following is what I wrote to one friend recently:
Sorry, but if you look at DOE's National Renewable Energy Lab's wind resource map (see: http://www.nrel.gov/gis/wind.html) there is very little to no usable wind in the whole Four Corners area in the states of Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, or Colorado. You need a "category 5" wind resource (dark purple on the map) to make wind power, however breezy it seems there where you live (I know I always thought of it as windy.) And then... at best you will only have wind power 15% of the time. Plus... you can only have 10% of your power from wind (the rest must come from coal, natural gas, nuclear, etc.) in order to maintain frequency stability (that's what makes your electric clocks and motors run right.) So, for heaven's sake, don't invest any money in a wind farm.
Also, I'd hate to invest any money in bio-fuels, regardless of that Virgin Airlines flight - burning down the rain forest to grow and burn more food is never good for the planet. See: http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/02/24/eco.biofuels/index.html
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